Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sword and Legend: The Presentation

Sword and Legend: The Presentation

This is the Sword and Legend Presentation. It is split up into 3 videos, because I simply could not stop talking.

Part 1: Introduction and Prototype Gameplay

Part 2: Prototype Versions and Lessons

Part 3: Additional/Ending

So I would like to again thank you all for watching this presentation and this game's growth and hope you all look forward to the future versions and games that I plan to design.

Nyjah Melius

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sword and Legend 3D Prototype: 9th Version

Sword and Legend Prototype

This is the 3D Prototype for Sword and Legend. Click here: Sword and Legend Prototype: 9th Version

Left Click OR Press W  to Attack
Hold OR Press Space  OR S to Block
Press A Key to Dodge Left
Press D Key to Dodge Right

When either health reaches 0, the game ends.
Attacks consume 30 stamina
Blocks consume 20-50 stamina
Dodging consumes 30 stamina

Developer Comments:
Boosted up the speed of the game, moved the health and stamina bars, and added text indicators for stamina reduction. Still working on text indicators for health reduction and damage.

Next tasks:
Scrolling Text and better placement for Stamina reduction, Health reduction and damage text.
More levels, better player and enemy models.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sword and Legend 3D Prototype: 8th Version

Sword and Legend Prototype

This is the 3D Prototype for Sword and Legend. Click here: Sword and Legend Prototype: 8th Version

Left Click OR Press W  to Attack
Hold OR Press Space  OR S to Block
Press A Key to Dodge Left
Press D Key to Dodge Right

When either health reaches 0, the game ends.
Attacks consume 30 stamina
Blocks consume 20-50 stamina
Dodging consumes 30 stamina

Developer Comments:
Changed the order of levels. Difficulty on level 2 was pretty high in terms of how I wanted to introduce new elements. Added more to little tutorial page.

Note: Quit button does not work for WebPlayer.

Next tasks: 
More levels, better player and enemy models. More fun!

Peter the Cockroach: The PlayTest

Peter the Cockroach

This is my playtest for Sohei Sasahara's Peter the Cockroach. I like the potential of it. I found myself not really knowing where I should go from the beginning because the description is a little fuzzy. So I died a lot from the car at first haha. But it has an adventurous feel for an interactive story. I tried to win with just eating straws but Peter got tired of it. That's a great idea. I see you have scenarios coming up for humans and dogs to attack, stuff like that. Interactions from the environment can provide more feel for Peter and his situations. Sounds great. Good start!

Epic Space Battle: The PlayTest

Epic Space Battle

This is a playtest of Adam King's Epic Space Battle. I actually played both V0.1 and now V0.2 and have seen major improvements and had even more fun this time around. The variations of speeds in the enemies are good. The speed increasing as time goes on makes it intensely fun. Caught me by surprise a couple of times! The weapon power-ups make the game even more enjoyable. You made the bullets auto-fire and added bombs to shoot. At first it felt like it would be too easy, but as you can see from the video, that was definitely not the case. I like it! Might need more weapon power ups to keep up with the intensity of the game!

I found myself wondering if I could die. And noticed the ship moves backwards as I got hit. Took a little to figure that out. Maybe a more noticeable health bar or something would help. Also I was unaware what the green pickups did for me until later on. Red I figured was weapon power-ups. And Green I didn't figure out until I was almost going to die. Might include that in the help section.

But overall Nice improvements and fun game.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sword and Legend 3D Prototype: 7th Version

Sword and Legend Prototype

This is the 3D Prototype for Sword and Legend. Click here: Sword and Legend Prototype: 7th Version

Left Click OR Press W  to Attack
Hold OR Press Space  OR S to Block
Press A Key to Dodge Left
Press D Key to Dodge Right
When either health reaches 0, the game ends.
Attacks consume 30 stamina
Blocks consume 20-50 stamina
Dodging consumes 30 stamina

Developer Comments:
Added 2 new levels with 2 new enemies. Also added a start screen to introduce the game controls a little.

Note: Exit button does not work for WebPlayer.

Next tasks: 
More levels, better player and enemy models. More fun!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sword and Legend 3D Prototype: 6th Version

Sword and Legend Prototype

This is the 3D Prototype for Sword and Legend. Click here: Sword and Legend Prototype: 6th Version

Left Click OR Press W Key to Attack
Hold OR Press Space Key OR S Key to Block
Press A Key to Dodge Left
Press D Key to Dodge Right
When either health reaches 0, the game ends.
Attacks consume 30 stamina
Blocks consume 20-30 stamina
Dodging consumes 30 stamina

Developer Comments:
Health and stamina bars are in! Fixed bug where enemy's health didn't drop when attacked after enemy finished blocking. Implemented a "near death" camera effect.

Note: Exit button does not work for WebPlayer.

Next tasks: 
New level, new enemy with different weapon type for game progression.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sword and Legend 3D Prototype: 5th Version

Sword and Legend Prototype

This is the 3D Prototype for Sword and Legend. Click here: Sword and Legend Prototype: 5th Version

Left Click OR Press W Key to Attack
Hold OR Press Space Key OR S Key to Block
Press A Key to Dodge Left
Press D Key to Dodge Right
When either health reaches 0, the game ends.
Attacks consume 30 stamina
Blocks consume 20-30 stamina
Dodging consumes 30 stamina

Developer Comments:
Health and Stamina Bars still in progress. Did not function properly. And have not generated next level yet. Changed some character/enemy moves and implemented Retry/Continue and Mute.

Next tasks: 
Health and Stamina bars for GUI
Character looks need improving.
Blood animation of some sort.
New levels, new enemies with different weapon types, attack variations, for game progression.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Sims 3: The Experience

The Sims 3

The Sims 3 is a life simulation game, in which you control a Sim, or a group of Sims through daily activities that are akin to real life situations, while achieving short term or long term lifetime achievement goals. In Sims 3 you can choose a career, make money, get part time jobs, lose your job, develop relationships, get married, have kids, get old, get robbed or even die in a fire. You know, like in real life. By getting a career, you can get promotions by increasing career related skills like increasing your strength for a sports career, or achieving goals like playing your guitar for 4 hours in the park for a music career. With increased job performance, you increase your chances of getting promotions and pay raises, which increase your income, which then increases the goodies you can buy for your Sim or your Sim's home. Skills also help with no job related things, like cooking more fulling meals, repairing broken appliances, and other things. When developing relationships with other Sims, you can choose from a list of social options to get the best results. Depending on your Sim's traits, and depending on the other Sim's traits, some social options give positive results, while others give negative results. You can tell jokes that will make another Sim laugh, or insult to provoke another Sim to start a scuffle! You can create enemies and rivals, or friends, best friends, and even lovers. In Sims 3 you can increase your relationship so high with another Sim that you can ask he or she to marry you and move in to your household, and eventually even have kids.

Sims 3 is a very enjoyable life simulation game and I have yet to play any other games like the Sims collection. The choices you make to create your own story is what drives the game home with me. I enjoy choosing multiple careers, and watching my Sim's skills increase and thus their products become rewarding. Watching your Sim's hunger, energy, hygiene, bladder, life indicators like that, is a little challenging. You have to make your Sim's mood the best they can be by monitoring these factors so they can enjoy the fruits of the day better. Doing this creates a routine, like eating breakfast, and showering and using the toilet before work and stuff. Which is what it should do since this game simulates life.

My endgame is to reach the maximum promotion in my career, have a beautiful wife and 2 kids, plenty of friends, a 3-story house with 2 high-end cars, and a pool. But I can't forget to buy a fire alarm too, because at any time could a rogue fire erupt from the kitchen, and take that all away from me; as this life simulation does.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Slower Speed of Light: The Experience

 A Slower Speed of Light

A simply brilliant game. This game is short but oh so sweet!

"A game about something every complex turned into something tangible."

The game introduction works perfectly. Short intro about why the player is the way they are, somewhat, sad, but works well in order to create the setting. The gameplay is simple. You run away collecting 100 orbs. The music is subtle, gives it a lonely mood, which serves to create the setting as well.

Now as for the game and its concept, now that is what makes this game brilliant. The simulation of natural world physics involved as speed nears the speed of light is amazing. The player is trying to reach the speed of light. As the player collects orbs, they increase their speed towards the speed of light. The game doesn't increase its speed though, rather it slows down the environment in relative to the character. So the character somewhat travels the similarly the same speed throughout the game, but everything around it becomes slower. Thus creating the brilliant effect of increasing to the speed of light. So as you collect more orbs, it becomes more difficult to control and turn to collect orbs. Also due to the increase of speed, you are able to see more of the spectrum of color that one normally doesn't see. More and more of it as you get to 100. And once you attain all 100 orbs, you uncontrollably reach one end of the map to the other in a split second, giving the final realization that you have reached the speed of light.

This game works perfectly for MIT Games intentions of simulating the effects of increasing one's speed to the speed of light. Along with the setting and background, it just makes for a simple but amazing game.

MargaritaVille: The Experience


Me jumping on some Gators!
An interesting experience. It has the aspects of a RPG, Adventure game, with social aspects and  real world simulation aspects of a, well simulation game, along with some interesting twists. In the RPG aspect, you can go on quests, pick up items, equip items and level up. In the simulation aspect, you are a person with a some what relate-able situation, trying to rebuild a bar, make money, and make friends. There is a social aspect allows you to invite your friends to play with you. The story setting is unique in itself. Trapped on an island, and then now in charge of a Margarita Bar, journeying to restore it and make it more profitable. There's an interesting twist in that you consume energy throughout the tasks you commit to. Certain tasks consume certain amount of energy, and you must rest at times to recover more energy; simulating a sort of realistic quality to your experience.

As far as my experience goes, it was okay. The quests are simple enough, and pretty much guides you from quest to quest. Very friendly, but a little less challenging. Also the challenge tasks are simple. I like the setting and the music feel. Makes it light and carefree. The use of money to customize your character or give you an advantage with beach bucks is nice. I still haven't learned what leveling up actually contributes though. An interesting experience, but not a long one for me.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Free Write Challenge & Story Twists

Free Write
This is what came about from my 10 Minute Free Write Challenge
The skies are dark. Except for the bright stars. Its clear and wide, so spacious. I feel engulfed by the vastness. There’s so much, yet nothing. I dream of more. More from this world and its possibilities. I dream of adventure. Into space. Into time. Adventure from this simplified version of life. This everyday just becomes everyday. What happened to those times of journey to other lands. When will we be able to find more lands to journey. Times of the knights, of the warriors. Now are soldiers. Not as romantic as it used to be. These times are filled with greed and achievements. Of achievements. These times have a different type of responsibility. Responsible to do the right things, to help others, chilvary. Now, responsible to avhieve, to survive, to provide. This world has lost its romanticism. What will the future provide? I yearn for more. These skies call me. The stars beckon me to venture forth. What lies beyond those stars? Are there more? More of us? More of life? I believe so. Movies, books, media, majority makes other life out to be monsters, “aliens”. Why wouldn’t they be exactly like us? Or more evolved. Or maybe just completely different but only in forms, not in minds and hearts. I don’t believe Earth was where life started. What if Earth is thousands of years behind the first ever form of life. Would they be as curious as I am, as we are, to know more of why? Would they already be traversing galaxies? And if they ever found earth, would they open arms and communicate, teach, care for us. As they might do with other forms of life? Media seems to take this view of advanced life forms, coming to earth, and destroying it for their own purposes. When I think of venturing out into the deepness and vastness of space, I don’t think of conquering, taking, reducing. I can only imagine one thing. Learning. Learning more of what is out there. To understand why. Why things are. Why we are. What is the limitations to our existence. What are the limits to life. The skies are so vast they constantly make me wonder. Makes this world feel so small. These problems so small. This everyday seems just like everyday. I desire more.

Story Twist Idea
When I was thinking of archetypal stories, the story that came to my head was Disney's Aladdin. Now these twists may not be that altering, but it seems to keep the imagination and allows for story tampering I believe.

  1. After the 3rd Wish, the Owner or whom ever the Owner chooses, must replace the current Genie, and the current Genie is set Free.
  2. The Genie can make time/space/reality altering wishes come true. Example: when Aladdin wishes to be a Prince, his past changes to that of a royal upbringing. While others memories change, he retains his memories throughout though.

Sword and Legend 3D Prototype: 4th Version

Sword and Legend Prototype

This is the 3D Prototype for Sword and Legend. Click here: Sword and Legend Prototype: 4th Version

Left Click OR Press W Key to Attack
Hold OR Press Space Key OR S Key to Block
Press A Key to Dodge Left
Press D Key to Dodge Right
When either health reaches 0, the game ends.
Attacks consume 30 stamina
Blocks consume 20-30 stamina
Dodging consumes 30 stamina

Developer Comments:
2nd Version of 3D prototype. Better understanding of how to create "AI" so future opponents of different weapon types, attack types, and randomness are possibilities. GUI serving as value holders for now. Hoping to implement Health and Stamina Bars soon.

Next tasks: 
Character looks need improving.
Health and Stamina bars for GUI
Blood animation of some sort.
New levels, new enemies with different weapon types, attack variations, for game progression.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sword and Legend 3D Prototype: 3rd Version

Sword and Legend Prototype

This is the 3D Prototype for Sword and Legend. Click here: Sword and Legend Prototype: 3rd Version
FIRST, Right Click and set to FULLSCREEN.

Left Click to Attack, Attacks consume 30 stamina
Hold Right Click Or Press to Block, Blocks consume 10 stamina
When either health reaches 0, the game ends.

Developer Comments:
This is the 3D version of my Sword and Legend Prototype. The animations allowed for easier displaying of player and enemy attacking and defending respectively. As of now its still basic, converting it from 2D Construct to 3D Unity was a challenge.

Next tasks: 
Character looks need improving.
Better GUI.
Implement dodging and/or parrying capabilities.
Blood animation of some sort.
New levels, new enemies with different weapon types, attack variations, for game progression.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sword and Legend 2D Prototype: 2nd Version

Sword and Legend Prototype

This is the 2D prototype for Sword and Legend. Click here: Sword and Legend Prototype: 2nd Version

Left Click to Attack
Right Click/Press to Block
Stamina depletes with skills used.
When health reaches 0, the game resets.

The instructions are provided in game as well.

Developer Comments:
As of now, I want the final game's battle system to work similarly to this. The randomness of the AI can be implemented in various ways. Also in this 2D implementation, since there is no collision detection for this, using global variables can be both easy and tricky. Game's health, stamina, score text updates might be overwhelming too.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sword and Legend - 2D Prototype

Sword and Legend Prototype

This is the 2D prototype for Sword and Legend. Click here: Sword and Legend Prototype

Left Click to Attack
Right Click/Press to Block
Stamina depletes with skills used.
When health reaches 0, the game resets.

The instructions are provided in game as well.

Developer Comments:
I am still working on the AI, and battle system. The AI's attacking/defending strategy is predictable. The overall battle system can be exploited easily. But it can also become overwhelming at times.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Focusing: Sword and Legend

Sword and Legend

Sword and Legend is first person action fighting game. The player is matched against different opponents in the Arena style setting and fights them to become Arena Champions. The player is forced to control their character methodically, attacking and defending, in order to become the victor. All actions have realistic consequences and rewards, expending energy to perform an action or losing health and energy from taking unexpected blows. Different actions expends different levels of energy while energy continuously recovers over time.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dark Skies

Dark Skies

Gameplay: User progresses through a mystery of trying to find the culprit(s) of a local series of murders. The user will make social decisions and actions that will allow story progression. As scenes play through, the user will be prompted buttons to cause certain actions, or choices to make certain plot decisions.

Story: There has been a series of killings this winter, a time where hours of the daylight are limited to 4 – 5 for several months. There are 4 characters, a detective, a police officer, a relative of a victim, a man of the church, an emergency room nurse, and a survivor and each play a significant role in this story. The story progresses depending on the actions and choices made until the mystery is discovered.

Technology: 2D/3D interactive movie

Additional Info: The concept is derived from the idea of Heavy Rain, which was virtually an interactive movie. I want to extend the idea to have more variation in the interactiveness of the plot based on the player's choices.



Gameplay: The user will take control of groups of people, one by one, that will aid each other to complete goals in a map. People will have unique abilities that will allow them to overcome obstacles or take advantage of rewards that others cannot. People will have to be moved methodically, one at a time, to achieve best results. Misfortunes may occur to some that will leave some people less usable or dead and removed from the game.

Story: Space expedition goes wrong. Shuttle crashes onto unknown planet. Initially a group of 3 people manage to find each other and decide to stick together and help each other out to find something that will save them. Journey to find others and survive begins. The group will find other humans and maybe others to join their group as face puzzles and hardships with each map.

Technology: 2D Puzzle Strategy

Additional Info: This concept is based on the concept of the classic game Lemmings, where each unit a character controlled was meant to help other units clear the map.

Legend of the Arena

Legend of the Arena

Gameplay: The user will create a fighter for the arena and fight to be a top gladiator. As a fighter the user will be able to select a variety of appropriate weapons such as swords, axes, shields, and nets. Each weapon set will have its own playstyle of attacks. The user will have to incorporate attacking and defending, blocking, dodging, parrying, methodically to win matches. The user will be placed in one solitary position, but use directional buttons to roll right, roll left, jump up or duck down. The user will have to time attacks to get un-blocked attacks through for damage or time defense moves to parry or block an attack.

Story: The story will vary in terms of the background the character has. The choices will range from a commoner who joins the arena for glory and fame, to a slave trying to win freedom and such. Social choices through the story will adapt the scenarios until its ending but the Plot will be a consistent finite plot.

Technology: 3D action first person

Additional Info: The concept is inspired by the fighting system of Infinity Blade. So free movement isn't being considered at the moment and is focusing on 1v1 battles.

Dream Game - Dragon Age

The game for me that came closest to the “Dream Game” with some of the desired elements of a dream game as described by Richard Rouse in Game Design: Theory & Practice (2nd Edition) would have to be Dragon Age: Origins. Dragon Age is is a single-player third-person role-playing fantasy game created by the company Bioware. And yes like every other role-playing fantasy game, Dragon Age had a main story that guided the player through it until the ultimate set ending. But I think it has a key elements that I would consider part of the “Dream Game”, which is it's interactive story.



Official Description:
You are a Grey Warden, one of the last of a legendary order of guardians. With the return of an ancient foe and the kingdom engulfed in civil war, you have been chosen by fate to unite the shattered lands and slay an archdemon once and for all. Start your adventure by picking your race as a Human, Elf, or Dwarf, then your class as a Warrior, Mage, or Rogue. Then after that, it is all up to you. The choices you make guide the path you take through the Ninth Age: The Dragon Age.

You choose a race, group up with companions, journey into dungeons, and kill ogres, demons, dragons and other fantastical creatures saving the world and claiming wonderful rewards. It's rinse and repeat from the many RPG games over the years, Dragon Age is no different in that aspect. But what sets it apart to be the "Dream Game" is that ability to choose different story paths based on your choices. "The choices you  make guide the path you take..." holds true as you make plot altering decisions by deciding your adventures and your social actions and then those decisions continuing to affect the gameplay as the story continues.

Interactive Story?
An element to me Dragon Age had, was the feeling of interactive developing story through the player choices. An example is at one point in the story you have the choice to go to a Castle seeking help from the Bann, or to go to the Magister’s Circle seeking help from the mages. If you go to the castle first, you will be presented with the situation that the Castle is being controlled by a little boy being possessed by a demon. Continue the story from here, and you will get to a point where in order to cleanse the boy, you need a Mage or to sacrifice the boy’s mother. Now at this point you can go to the Circle and after cleansing the tower seek a mage for help cleansing the boy. Or if you went to the Circle first, and then the castle, you could simply return to Circle and return to the castle for cleansing. Being able to decide what plot developments to take care of first, who lives and who dies, gives players more interaction with their own story.

Interactive Relationships?
The other element would be the relationships the player’s character has on her comrades and other NPCs in the game. The relationships allow for different options thru interaction and with the story as the game plays on. Example is that if the main character is close to a character named Morrigan, she will ask his aid for creating a demon god baby with him. Or she could be influenced to have this with another one of their comrades. Or she could be ultimately denied and the player will have to decide another way around this plot altering decision. The social options, although limited to the available options, allow the player the freedom of love interests, best friends, and rivals. But more so, it gives the player a deeper sense of their own story by deciding who their companions are and not just by choosing dedicated party members.
Continuing Story?
And the final element, which actually just em composes the aforementioned points, is the continuing personal story a player is granted into the following additions, expansions, and games. Since Dragon Age: Origins, there have been downloadable content additions, expansions, and even a sequel. And if the player has played the previous content, Bioware allows the major plot choices to have impact on the newer content, creating an even deeper sense of personal story.
...or this? You decide...

Now can this really be "Dream Game" material with its slow pause-capable battle system and many cut-scenes? Maybe not it's entirety, especially considering its sequel Dragon Age 2 became more linear in story seemingly in hopes of developing a more dynamic battle system. But I do believe the ability to make choices through playing the game and deciding plot paths, social options, and continuing story, and allowing the player to have their own personal story, is definitely a step toward the “Dream Game”.